Monday, November 29, 2010

A Thanksgiving cornucopia!

Just noticed in my Usage Stats that my Portfolio-at-a-Glance was still getting some hits, so I put those graphics back online. Thanks to whomever's still looking! :)

Updated a lot more elsewhere! I still have a couple of comic book albums to add, and then the "Miscellaneous" section...

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Added the Freelance sections today: Hasbro, ad agencies and Cartoonistry. All their graphical content is uploaded -- including clips! -- tho only Cartoonistry's text components are finished. Write-ups next, plus Cotswold in the Corporate section! (By this point, we've gone beyond simple freelance together...)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Try it!

Well I've all but ditched the old site, tho there's still lots left to do. I kept the homepage basically as-is but dropped it into iWeb for unity. Each section now has a new page, however at the moment only "Corporate" has Galleries. But they're full galleries, especially WeatherPlus', which has content I've never put online before! Lots of clips!

[Note: I've noticed if you click on an album and then click on a item in that album, taking you to the full page display/slideshow page, if you click 'Next' to flip thru it, any clips appear fine. If, however, you click on a clip straight from the album page (where it displays large thumbnails of the contents), when it takes you to that slideshow page, the clip's controls don't always appear! How do you PLAY the clip? Well, one way is to click on its tiny thumbnail above it, in the line of tiny thumbnails.]

I have a couple more companies to add to "Corporate", and then I do the other 3 sections. I've pulled together a large amount of materials and have been prepping the pieces for their galleries. I'm still learning how to handle iWeb -- I've got it FTP-ing the content to my server instead of my MobileMe space, and this has been a tad confusing. It seems OK for the moment!

Résumé section is, I believe, finished! Clickable cover letter, and here's also where I've placed my demo reels. Plus a breakdown of the elements of the WeatherPlus reel. I can't get my chosen poster frames to display on the clips, perhaps because there's more than 1 clip on the page? iWeb says they're set up, but apparently it's incorrect. Code's such a mishmash at this point I'm no longer sure where to look. Anyway. There's also a link to my QuickTime quicklinks page, where just about every clip associated with my résufolio resides.

Stay tuned! Feedback's welcome!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sweeping changes to the site!

With the computer upgrade, out went my old OS9 website software, GoLive. Now for résufolio updates, I'll have to rely on ImageReady and iWeb. I've already begun to learn iWeb, and my new Resume page is the result!

I'm exploring building my 4 "hubs" in ImageReady (it's where I built the homepage a while ago), and then in iWeb creating basic galleries for each company I've worked for. Similar to what's there now, but more modern and unified.

Plus, this way updating the galleries will be as simple as adding-to and publishing-changes! Hey, I don't have coding or technical web work listed in my skillset for a reason... :)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Befores & Afters

Started a new portfolio blog/gallery thing. New post a day, showing elements that went into a particular piece of artwork. Plus the final piece.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Updating... Updating...

Been busy! But gotta get busier... Looking for more work. Tweaked the resume a little. Will continue the updates and posting about them here!

Meantime, Cotswold Collectibles has added a Facebook page. They've posted 3 albums of my work for them, Ads for Lee's Toy Review, Ads for Sci Fi Magazine, and Catalog Covers... So go check 'em out!